Things that happen on a ride with a diesel bike :)

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Things that happen on a ride with a diesel bike :)

Post by andrewaust »

I don't get a chance to post a new topic lately, this happened today and had to post it.

So here I am riding along at 80K's and along came a couple of young fella's with dirtbikes on the back of there 4WD slowing down beside me. Next they sound the horn, so I quickly look over and give em a nod :), down the window goes then - oh s**t what do they really want :roll: I'm thinking!! Dude in the passenger seat yells out "Big end" to that I shake my head, but get that bunny caught in the headlights look :shock: :arrow: SO THEN I think I'll have a little bit of fun whilst I'm seeing two very confused individuals looking on.

With a quick view of the rear vision mirrors I see no one behind so get up real close to the passenger door and tell the dude "ITS DIESEL" !!!! Well if the previous expression wasn't priceless, this one had to be gold :lol: (All while still sitting on 80K's) a bit hard to hear much really with the bike rattling away.

AH! The things that you can experience riding a diesel bike ................... lol.

So if any others on the forum has any funny stories/experiences lets hear them.

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Re: Things that happen on a ride with a diesel bike :)

Post by coachgeo »

is "Big End" a term for "cool" or something to that affect in Australia?

What bike were you riding. Sorry my membory sucks.
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Re: Things that happen on a ride with a diesel bike :)

Post by andrewaust »

coachgeo wrote:is "Big End" a term for "cool" or something to that affect in Australia?

What bike were you riding. Sorry my membory sucks.
Hey no prob! No bigend means your main conrod bearing is about to go = Bigend Bearing failure.

I was riding my Yanclone Diesel Enfield ;).

As it rattles like hell anyone not familiar with diesel knock would instantly think the main bearing is about to drop.

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Re: Things that happen on a ride with a diesel bike :)

Post by smokyjoe »

I used to get the same looks and comments with my old VW Diesel Jetta. People would think the thing was self-destructing, and once or twice when I pulled up to the Diesel pump at the filling station the attendant would shout over the loudspeaker "Hey that's the wrong pump!"

I once got into a heated argument (almost came to blows!) with the inspector when I was going for my yearly inspection sticker when he insisted that the inside of the exhaust pipe should be gray (back in the leaded gasoline days) instead of black and sooty!

Here in the US other than large commercial trucks the few diesels on the road are some of the VWs (older IDIs and newer TDIs), a few older Mercedes, and scores of huge, shiny, jacked-up 4WD pickup trucks with big tires and silly chromed rims that have never been driven off-road or carried more than a case of beer in the back.

It sure is fun.
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Re: Things that happen on a ride with a diesel bike :)

Post by Diesel Dave »

"is it supposed to sound like that"




"Is that the Robin engine"




"How many miles to the gallon mate"?






(Asda trolley pusher watching me empty 3 litre bottle of veg oil in the tank)
"Should you be putting that in there"

"Yes, it has a nuclear reducer inside the tank that turns it into fuel, just like that 'Back to the Future film"



"That looks a bit loose mate" (silencer and footpeg wobbling in time with the idle)

"Yes there especially resilient mounted to reduce fatigue"



"I used to have one of those back in 1956"

"really - a diesel?"

"yes, it was a factory special, used to do 105 on the great north road"



"Did you build it yourself"




(After crossing Salisbury plain on road tyres, KTM mounted enduro man walks over, he left the starting point at the same time I did. We are parked next to the tea hut)

"Wow, you made it then"

"yeah, not too bad really"

"of course if it was any worse then I doubt you would have made it"

"Really why's that"?

"Well you need a proper adventure bike for this sort of thing"

"It's a flat piece of grassland with some dirt tracks, you could ride it on a scooter"

"Well if your old roadbike can make it I suppose so, it sounds like it's broken? maybe it was too difficult for such an old design"

"I think you will find that Enfield Bullets have been crossing continents since before you were born, in fact still used today for trials, and before you say you've been here ages, you were still taking off your helmet when I arrived and although I only saw you fall off the last time I'm pretty sure it wasn't the first"

"Geremy they don't have any Appeltise"

"Your boyfriend wants you"
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Re: Things that happen on a ride with a diesel bike :)

Post by Crazymanneil »

Lol good thread.

Not a bike story but, pulled into a McD's drive-thru with car running on veg oil. Jonny no-stars sticks his head out the window and looked left and right and then asks me, his co-workers and the missus "do you smell a BBQ?". I reply with straight face "urm no, not at all. Don't smell anything". Missus having big problems not bursting out laughing. :mrgreen:

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Re: Things that happen on a ride with a diesel bike :)

Post by andrewaust »

PMSL .............. :lol: Great posts guys, thanks for sharing, keep them coming :twisted: :twisted: .

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Re: Things that happen on a ride with a diesel bike :)

Post by Diesel Dave »

This morning....

"What is it"?

"A 1965 Royal Enfield diesel"

"Really, it's amazing what came out of that Redditch factory"

"This one came out of India"

"Oh, it's not a real one then"?

"No it's a figment of your imagination"
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Re: Things that happen on a ride with a diesel bike :)

Post by TedV »

not while riding a bike, but diesel stories:

Friend borrows my TDI Jetta. It's a beutiful day so she opens the windows and sunroof. Sitting in traffic she starts craving french fries. Looks over at the McDonalds, thinks the smell is from there. After 5 blocks getting the craving at every red light, she remembers I have B20 in the tank.

She liked driving the torque so much she gets a TDI Beetle. She always gets the "honey, that's diesel and will screw up your car" when getting fuel. She always flicks her blond hair and says, "diesel gets better milage than gas so I thought I'd give it a try" and pumps away.
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Re: Things that happen on a ride with a diesel bike :)

Post by smokyjoe »

Again, not a diesel bike story but diesel related nonetheless, and probably downright boring.

A former co-worker had just bought a 1982 VW Rabbit (Golf to you across the Big Pond), this happened back around 1982. His wife was driving the car and stopped at a filling station to get gas. (This was back in the days when about 1/2 of the stations still had live attendants who would pump gas for you). The kid asked her "How much?" and she said "Fill 'er up". He pumped her near empty tank full of Diesel thinking that the Rabbit was a diesel! (He probably just finished reading a Road and Track article about the VW Diesels and figured he knew what it was.) Believe it or not the car ran about 30 miles and got her home, smoking like heck. The next morning the car wouldn't start and her husband, being a pretty bright guy figured out what had happened. It cost him about $1000 to clean the tank, "dispose" of the "hazardous waste" diesel/gas mix :o , and replace the catalytic converter and many other assorted parts. The warranty didn't cover it, but he eventually got the bill paid by the gas station.

When he came into work lamenting about the ordeal I commented that he should have bought a Diesel then this wouldn't have happened.

At another job a few years later one of the salesmen (who had 0% mechanical aptitude) had one of the ill-fated Oldsmobile Diesel V-8 sedans as a company car. He was out on a business trip late at night and almost out of fuel. The only gas station that was open only had gasoline and he figured that a few gallons wouldn't hurt. He managed to drive the car home but had totally ruined the engine by this time. Fortunately it was not his car, and the company bought him a new (gas) one.

This is one of the reasons we don't have many Diesel cars in the US today, from 1978 to about 1980 or so the US car companies made Diesels but the average wonks in the general public didn't know how to drive them or take care of them. Some companies like General Motors designed Diesels based on beefed-up gasoline engines, but they cut corners using cast crankshafts and cheap parts that didn't last long. Some companies used foreign engines (Lincoln used BMW diesels in their Continental and the Chevy Chevette used an Isuzu engine). I had a 1978 Chevy Diesel C-10 pickup truck, I was doing work for General Motors at the time and talked to their engineers that designed the engines. I took their advice on adding a good fuel filter and water separator, and used the correct oil. I changed oil every 3000 miles and took excellent care of the truck but only got 108,000 miles out of it before the crankshaft broke right where the engineer told me it was weak (flywheel flange).
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Re: Things that happen on a ride with a diesel bike :)

Post by sbrumby »

Last year touring Ireland on the 950 VF, I slowed down and the bike was just about tick over and in top that is 30mph. There was a terrible knocking sound, I looked down at the engine and half expected to be greeted by a flying con rod. But apart from the sound everything looked normal. On my right was a high wall, just round the bend and I could see round it, there was a mini digger wth a breaker banging at concrete, in perfect rythum with my tick over.
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Re: Things that happen on a ride with a diesel bike :)

Post by Diesel Graham »

Hey, cool stories! my favourites from personal experience are:

"Is that a real one then?"
(I knock on the tank) "I think so!"

"how old is that then?"
"2006 model"
(guy looks at 1966 plate) "are you sure?"

"I think your timing is too advanced"
"yes it is, I advanced the injection pump a little"
(the guy then spends several minutes figuring out why the bike has fuel injection, still not realising it is diesel)

non diesel related, my vintage Triumph tends to burn oil when it gets too hot (4 stroke sidevalve engine with blind barrel, no oil rings). After a long wait in traffic, I finally park up and having noticed the blue smoke, a guy pulls up and says "your head gasket is gone" I replied "it doesn't have one" the guy shouts back "ah, thats your problem then"
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