Two Events in the New York City Area

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Two Events in the New York City Area

Post by HondaJohn »

There are going to be two separate Alternative Fuel events in New York City at the end of October.
7th Annual Alternative Vehicle Technology Confernece and Expo (requires pre-registration)
Date - October 28, 2011
Location - Lehman College / City University of New York
Website -

(From the email I received)
Alternative Fuel Car Show and Tailgate Party: Call for Submissions

Calling all NYC alternative fuel operators, mechanics and pioneers! We want you to enter your vehicle in the first annual 'Alternative Fuel Car Show and Tailgate Party'. It will be a day of presentations, workshops, networking, alternative/bio fueled vehicles, live music, barbeque and fun. From the DIY'er to the commercial fleet vehicle. Show your vehicle. Pop your hood. Share your experience.

When: Saturday November 5th from 12-6
Where: Marina 59 in Far Rockaway Queens

If interested in showing a car, giving a presentation/workshop, or otherwise being represented, please email
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