Rally - Germ of an idea

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Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by Diesel Dave »

I have an idea germinating in my head, it's been there for a while so I'll let it loose and see if it floats.

I'm thinking of a mid summer rally, somewhere reasonably central in the UK, and this is the controversial bit...

Call it the MPG rally; open it up to the petrol riders interested in economy after all if the Honda ANF125i can get 175mph and top 65 mph then our diesels have some competition.

Now I shall sit back and put my tin hat on whilst awaiting return fire.

Thoughts from the panel please?
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by Stuart »

Sounds good :D But mid summer could mean some ppl are away on their family holidays.
I know an excellent little camp site in Crediton, Devon. Cheap and cheerful and I'm pretty sure Gordon Glover (diesel Ariel) lives nearby - if only I could find him :!: Maybe we could all try and search him out on a thimble full of fuel :?:
It would be a good distance away for a meet :?:
Stuart. M1030M1, Honda NC700S, Grom!, Toyota Corolla 1.4 Turbo Diesel. Favouring MPG over MPH.
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by sbrumby »

If Crediton Devon is central I must live in Norway. In fact I live in the midlands, and the clue is in the name "middle".
All the big events bulldog, stafford, uttoxeter,nabbed,ogri,are all in the middle. The big knock is about as far for me to do in one day, anything further and you are looking at 2 days one way. That is why Hamm is not so attractive for me as the time of year is not good to make a nice trip around Europe.
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by Stuart »

:D :D :D The Big Knock is well located for those coming over from the continent. When the 1st German rally was up north over there not many showed. That's why it was moved and became a success.
Anyway, all someone needs to do is put a flag in the ground and see who comes. That's the only way to do it. I may try and make the French gathering if there is one next year though. I always get good weather in France :D
On the road to Hamm this year
On the road to Hamm this year
Stuart. M1030M1, Honda NC700S, Grom!, Toyota Corolla 1.4 Turbo Diesel. Favouring MPG over MPH.
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by sbrumby »

I have no problem with where the big knock is or hamm for that matter just the timeing of hamm. I suspect the time was picked ten years ago so as not to coinside with school holidays, but given the average age of those attending I suspect school holidays is not so important unless you are considering grand children. Your point of putting a flag in the ground and seeing who turns up,try 100miles north of glasgow and I bet it would be quiet.
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by Sphere »

Someone already mentioned that is was chosen because that weekend statistically has the best weather. I'm not really sure compared to what, but hey :D
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by oldbmw »

I have thought that it would be a good idea to have a 'excursion' on the way to Hamm. say visit elsewhere in france/germany or any where else for that matter. a sort of pre meeting rideout.
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by buckles »

Why not just gatecrash someone elses rally, save on all the organising and pissing around etc plus there will be non diesel bikers there too. the yorky pud is a great rally, its central (sheffileld) middle sized and has a custom show someone could win!, and run by MAG, just my twopennith worth. Andy. :P
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by Cockney Bob »

Dave just so long as you are not intending on turning up on your Innova.I reckon that The Big park on the A14 near Kettering is central enough and the BSA crowd use that or why not the Victoria pub In Coalville Leiecestershire all the bikers use it has camping every weekend open to all.
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by oldbmw »

Diesel Dave wrote:I have an idea germinating in my head, it's been there for a while so I'll let it loose and see if it floats.

I'm thinking of a mid summer rally, somewhere reasonably central in the UK, and this is the controversial bit...

Call it the MPG rally; open it up to the petrol riders interested in economy after all if the Honda ANF125i can get 175mph and top 65 mph then our diesels have some competition.

Now I shall sit back and put my tin hat on whilst awaiting return fire.

Thoughts from the panel please?
I have re read this, and wonder....
Why not have it close (ish) to one of the cheaper crossings to France or Belgium? That way the Brits can have a short (booze) run and the rest of the Europeans can make it in a couple of days or so each way? Or was it intended to be British only ?
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by Cockney Bob »

Why not use that nice camp at Sangatte there are lots of nice people from all over the world camped there and you could recoup your costs bringing one of them back with you.
It is not in the arrival brightly planned. But in the Dreams Men Dream along the way we find the Golden road to Samarkand.
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by Stuart »

Here's another idea :idea: Nobody really likes to travel too much in the depths of winter but it would be nice to have another event to attend. So hows about staging two small meetings, one North and one South. They'd be different from the rally in that they'd would be held somewhere where the participants could compete against eachother to find Top Speed and/or best MPG. Perhaps they'd last only a day even :?:
If it did happen then it would perhaps encourage a little friendly rivalry between North and South which surely could only be good for the cause :?: :D
Stuart. M1030M1, Honda NC700S, Grom!, Toyota Corolla 1.4 Turbo Diesel. Favouring MPG over MPH.
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by Cockney Bob »

This thread started out sugesting a mid summer meet not mid winter.
I dont think rivalry North South would be very good.First it will not encourage our overseas riders.Second we are small enough not to need to split north south in any thing we need to keep the camararderie.
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by sbrumby »

Did I read Stu that you had moved the big knock to a new location or was I just dreaming?
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by Stuart »

I'll delete this soon as It's in the wrong thread but yes, I have arranged for us to go somewhere else. Problem was that soon as I put the phone down a paper came through the door saying Bat & Ball under new ownership (yet again) so I've asked them whether they have plans to replace the toilet/shower
Secondly the date is set for our bank holiday Not on purpose as it's usually the week before) and the new campsite I picked gets really really packed then ie tents overlapping etc.
So still up in the air.

This thread started out sugesting a mid summer meet not mid winter.
Yes, but the reason the rallies are held when they are held is because many people holiday inbetween and they would miss the rallies. Why don't you come to one?
I dont think rivalry North South would be very good. First it will not encourage our overseas riders. Second we are small enough not to need to split north south in any thing we need to keep the camararderie.
Are you actually suggesting that this kind of competition (Speed & MPG trials) would cause some kind of irrevocable split that could end friendships? Personally, I doubt it. And why wouldn't it encourage overseas riders? I'm sure the spectacle of riders trying to get the most from the kind of bikes we ride would be most entertaining for everyone, including overseas visitors. And where would we be without healthy competition between bike builders?

Anyway, it's another suggestion thrown into the hat.
Stuart. M1030M1, Honda NC700S, Grom!, Toyota Corolla 1.4 Turbo Diesel. Favouring MPG over MPH.
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by Cockney Bob »

I was at Bat and Ball last year Very good.I would have gone to Hamm but its my wifes Birthday that weekend.
I have seen many clubs split its the nature of things.Look at the BSA club its very sectionalised now.
I watched The Communist party split and the WRP split then the labour party .
It only takes some one to take the North South seriously and whoops you have two leaders.
As for the overseas tourers how would they feel excluded from the fun because they are East or West not North or South.
If you want games at Rallies try letting all enter.
As for Dates and Venues its the same old story you will never please all the people all of the time.
It is not in the arrival brightly planned. But in the Dreams Men Dream along the way we find the Golden road to Samarkand.
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by sbrumby »

Stu only asked as I looked up the site in washington and saw charges £6 tent, £4 person, £5 motorbike, per night,
Uttoxter if free, most pubs up here with land would not even charge for parking tents for the weekend. As does willy in Hamm.
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by Stuart »

As for Dates and Venues its the same old story you will never please all the people all of the time.
Well I totally agree with that. All I do is put a flag in the ground and do my best. There is an argumant for moving the rally about but if it goes too far away from being rather central (in Northern Europe) then we could see a drastic falling of of numbers. This might not be a good thing the movement being in its infancy. I've taken on board some lessons learned by the German organisers. Perhaps now that more bikes are being made in the UK then we could go north. It might be easier to stomach losing some overseas visitors if we can agin some from the great engineering heartlands of the North!
If you want games at Rallies try letting all enter.
I suggested Speed and MPG trials to try and help develop the bikes a bit better. They might be fun but they wouldn't be games, not for anyone serious about producing a good all round bike.
I have seen many clubs split its the nature of things.
I don't think we've quite got a club yet but I'm still looking at it. These days the traditional club has been overtaken by internet groups and forums such as this. They are easier to set up but can disappear a lot quicker. It comes down to what constitues a club really. The whole question about getting MC's cleared did figure but this group is global and not really in any one area so that helps. Plus a local HA member has told that its ok as long as we have no back patches. That's good enough by me and respect to that man. But getting quality (front) patches made is gonna cost a good few hundred quid!

Sam: At the moment it's all about decent shower and toilet facilities for the ladies from Germany. Finding a place that offers that isn't too easy.
Stuart. M1030M1, Honda NC700S, Grom!, Toyota Corolla 1.4 Turbo Diesel. Favouring MPG over MPH.
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Re: Rally - Germ of an idea

Post by Anorak_ian »

I do like the idea of another rally, love the idea to hold it in summer, please give this serious consideration.

I know it's not going to happen but, I like the idea of an old fashioned rally, the kind of long summer ride where you leave the starting point (boozer) 15 mins apart and get your card stamped at each check in / stop over points, and can't arrive at each destination too soon or to late or points will be deducted. Maybe fuel measured and points deducted for heavy gas usage.

Crediton & Horsham would be a good part of the rally, Stone henge car park could be a check in point and the ticket office could help with stamping the cards at arrival (the A303 is a cracking ride ), as could camp site owners or pub landlords. The rally could last a couple of days maybe, going up country to the National motorcycle museum for another check in and then through Stratford etc. No motorways just A roads, countryside and duel carriageways. A winner’s trophy could be made from an old piston and a little inventiveness maybe. Sponsorship by a news paper maybe? :wink: Ok maybe not.

As I said, I know it's not going to happen but I like the idea. :D
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